Stories and Articles
In addition to her two novels and 7 historical booklets and over 100 poems, Lulita wrote 84 stories and articles. Over 50 of them were Western romances published in periodicals like Ranch Romances. Others were juvenile fiction stories, historical fiction, nature stories, and historical articles. Many were submitted to writing contests sponsored by the Denver Post or Denver Woman's Press Club. See the book Lulita Crawford Pritchett in the "Books" section of this web site to find a complete bibliography of these works.
I have included here all of the titles that I know about. However 12 of the titles are listed below in black ink because I do not have the text for them. I know about them only from references to them in some of her personal notebooks and diaries. I hope that one day I will find copies of the newspapers and magazines in which they were published.
Most of Lulita's nature stories were published in the Denver Post. "Old Mother Bear" took third prize and "Coyote Mother is Defended by Hunting Hound" took first prize for the Denver Post "Voices from the Wilds" contest. Old Dune Coyote earned her a $10 prize from the Denver Woman's Press Club; it is a much longer version of the Coyote Mother story.
"His Thanksgiving" is an unpublished work based on a letter from Lulita's father. Read the story, then click on the link to the letter at the upper right of the story.
Lulita won a number of writing awards from the Denver Woman's Press Club. These awards are indicated by a star after them.
Lulita wrote at least 50 Western romances, most of which were published in Ranch Romances. Here are all of her romances that I know about. The stories with a star after them are about a girl named Puck Randall and her pet elk Joker, and are the only stories that have common characters.
Lulita maintained a notebook that included a list of stories sent to publishers. Some of these stories were never published, and the manuscripts have never been found. Here is the list of unpublished titles, with the date being the year she first sent them to a publisher.
- 1927 - Utes' Dirt
- 1928 - The Strength of the Land
- 1928 - Brownie Holes Up
- 1928 - Little Old Lion Puss Makes Her Mark
- 1929 - Larry and the Kodiak Bear
- 1929 - Second Fiddle
- 1929 - Fishin' Weather
- 1929 - Nobody's Business
- 1929 - Slide Rock
- 1929 - The Secret of the Cliffs
- 1930 - The Phantom City
- 1930 - Sleeping Giant
- 1930 - Down the Chimney
- 1930 - Peg's Promised Land
- 1930 - A Study in Stars
- 1930 - When a Woman Makes a Deal
- 1930 - This Day
- 1930 - Love's Door
- 1930 - Christmas Eve in a Snowdrift
- 1930 - Seventy Times Seven
- 1931 - Next to Love
- 1931 - Crooked Trails
- 1931 - The Shining Light
- 1931 - Sandy Crane
- 1931 - Stolen Love
- 1931 - Little Boss of Running W.
- 1932 - Straight Timber
- 1932 - The Crest of Honor
- 1932 - Captain Broadtail
- 1932 - Song in the Desert
- 1932 - Tags Tames the Wilderness
- 1932 - Marriage Meant Nothing to Her
- 1932 - Ranch Horse Saves Child
- 1932 - The Measure of a Name
- 1932 - Dog Fights Hounds to Save Coyote
- 1932 - Off the Beaten Path in Mexico
- 1932 - Mystery at Cottontail Cabin
- 1932 - The Mayan Test
- 1933 - Mountain Mystery
- 1933 - Surprise for Supper
- 1933 - A Sixteenth Century Silver Mill
- 1933 - The Bigger Job
- 1933 - Angel of Hap's Hole
- 1933 - Whisperin' Green
- 1933 - The Boss of Hearts
- 1934 - Cowboy's Moon
- 1934 - Fence Line
- 1934 - Not Dinosaur Eggs - Just Puffballs!
- 1934 - A Mule Shoe for Luck
- 1934 - A Job for Peter
- 1934 - Peggy Persists
- 1935 - Share Your House
- 1935 - House of Stone
- 1935 - Secret of the Silver Bear
- 1935 - The Mine of the Tiger
- 1935 - Bright Saying
- 1935 - Let's Go to Market (Guatenda)
- 1935 - Mrs. Blue Grouse Takes Possession
- 1935 - Get Thee up into the High Mt.
- 1935 - Curious Saddles
- 1935 - Pipe Organ Cactus & Water Sellers
- 1935 - Fifty-Seven Turkeys
- 1935 - John Pete, Lover
- 1936 - Singing in the Heart
- 1936 - Sticks of Gold
- 1936 - Square with Red
- 1936 - Candidate for Cupid
- 1937 - Heart of the Wild
- 1937 - L-U-V-E- Spells Love
- 1937 - Bears not Invited
- 1937 - Kwik Kure
- 1937 - Timberline Trust
- 1938 - Little Stray
- 1938 - Jokum Learns
- 1938 - Green-Eyed Jokum
- 1938 - Jokum & the Wind
- 1938 - Speckle Adopts a Family
- 1939 - Cow Named Belinda
- 1939 - Luck of the Fieldings
- 1939 - Hosteling in Colorado
- 1939 - A Herd & a Husband
- 1942 - Victory Cow
- 1943 - Young Squirt
- 1939 - Jackrabbit Horse
- 1945 - Swirling Dog
- 1946 - Speckle & the Geese
- 1947 - Greased Lighting
- 1947 - Wanted: Live Bear
- 1948 - American Privilege
- 1948 - Hills in Her Eyes
- 1948 - Mother's Cactus
Photos from John Daniel Crawford in the Great Good Old Days